I've been going around all day saying to myself, "Today is my Dad's 54th birthday." Well, I did the math and he's only 53. Oops. ;) I had fun writing Megan's Birthday post and reading all the happy thoughts people had to say so I decided to do one for my awesome Dad!
Dad's senior picture. Check out that knot in his tie! |
Partying with mom and the band. |
Grandma (Dad's Mom): It
is hard for me to pick one good memory with your Dad. I have so many good
memories of his many talents, and his ability to make people laugh and feel
good. When he played one of the missionaries in the production we did of
Saturday's Warrior he stole the show! I think I have told you that he flunked
out of choir in high school because he was funnier than the teacher.....the
teacher actually told me that. He could
not stand having Jeff make the whole class "break up" with laughter
when he could not get a chuckle. Most of my cherished memories are of his
tender spirit and loving "bear hugs". When we sat together many long
nights on the kitchen floor by the heater vent together keeping his
"bummer" lambs alive, and then the funerals he conducted down by the
river before he buried the ones that we lost, I knew he would always be a
compassionate man all his life. So see,
it is hard to pick just one.
PS He is and has been
my 'God sent son' to help me heal from a gigantic loss.
Mom and Dad's wedding day. October 16, 1986. |
Mom and Dad's last anniversary. October 16, 2014 |
Mom: Jeff
is a great dad and husband. He adores
his kids and loves being with them. When
we were first married, we went to Dan and Robin's apartment in Provo. I watched Jeff get down on the floor and play
with Randi and Tana. I knew then what a
great dad he would be. He is so proud of
all of his kids and he has a unique connection to each one. Bub had him the moment she was born and now
they text back and forth about medical stuff.
Meggie-boo is Jeff's late night date to the movies. Eeken is his best Bud. And Jilly-bayba is his exercise and dance
move partner. I know he will miss you
all when you move out in a few weeks.
This is my favorite picture of my dad and me. My baptism day. September 28, 1996 |
Cori: I've said it before and I'll say it again: I got your best genes. I have your hard-working, care taking, fun personality and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm glad you have been working from home for the last couple years because it has allowed all of us to spend more time with you. I remember during a conversation on a Sunday night one time, mom asked you if you work a 40-hour week. Your response was, "Man, I wish I only worked 40 hours in a week." It made me realize how hard you've worked over the years for our family. Even when I was little and you worked 10 out of 14 nights, you still tried to spend time with your kiddos. Happy Birthday, Daddy-O! xoxo, Bub
Ian: Mr Sanderson (said like agent smith from the matrix) I first met the man while we were skipping school, he gave us a call and invited us to lunch like it was no big deal. We had Del Taco and had a grand time. And we've been pals ever since. He's always good for a chuckle or two and genuinely cares for the family. Although not a traditional guy in the slightest degree, he manages to pull it off with style. Happy Birthday!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. |
Meg: Dad is cooky and crazy and everything a great dad needs to be! I love the dance offs and ridiculously funny texts that blow up our phones. He gives 100% to every new project he takes on, whether it be perfecting the newest work out move or creating the masterpiece that is his potato salad. I'm so grateful for all his love and sacrifices for his family. Have the happiest of birthdays, Daddy-O! Sure love ya!
Just monkeying around with his Monkey Boy. |
Ian: I've always loved the bond that I have with Dad as his only son. Going on appraisals with him, going bunny hunting, or even just taking a trip to the store with him was a lot of fun. I'm glad dad always took the time to hang out with me. He has always been my hero and I know I can look to him for help. Love you, Pop!
Jillian's baptism day. January 25, 2003. |
Jillian: Oh how I love my Papa. He's weird, loud, crazy, energetic, partially deaf, a little embarrassing, and sometimes a little stinky. :) He's got a huge heart, so huge that there is more than enough room for anyone and everyone he meets. He is very smart and knows a lot of things, like how to cook a mean steak, change the brakes on my car, or how to masterfully pack the family's suitcases into the trunk. But the thing I think he knows the best is how to love those around him and make them feel like a million bucks, one bear hug at a time. :)
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