Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 is here! I had a moment of surreality a few minutes before midnight last night as I realized 2010 is over. Usually it's not such a big deal, I mean, I have survived 22 new years just famously, but for some reason it felt a little weird watching the ball drop and knowing 2010 is just another one for the memory books. What a great year it was! I finished my medical assisting program, my missionary came home, I married him, I got a new job that I love, decided once and for all that I'm going to nursing school, traveled (even if it was just to Vegas...) made new friends, and so much more. New years really feels like a fresh start this year, a year where I start to make things happen instead of just wishing. So, I'm not making resolutions this year, because resolutions are made to be forgotten in a matter of weeks. I'm making a new year's decree. It just sounds better because the only other time I've ever heard that word used is when royalty or someone very important makes a decision that they want others to pay attention to.

1. Change my exercise and eating habits
I'll admit after 6 months of marriage I've definitely put on a few pounds. But my goal this year is do more than just lose weight. I want my diet to consist of more than just white carbs, to actually enjoy fruits and vegetables of all kinds and find some sort of exercise that doesn't feel so mundane to me. I want to become a person who takes pride in being healthy instead of just eating TV dinners and settling for the walk up and down the stairs to my apartment as my workout for the day.

2. Pay all my bills on time
This one goes without much explanation. Bills suck. I think everyone will agree when I say it's much more fun to go spend on entertainment. So I'm going to work very hard and prioritize much more to make sure I get no late notices (or fees...) for any of my bills.

3. Get into nursing school
This one may have to be part of my decrees for 2012, because I'm not sure of the specifics of this one yet. But in the words of Mabel Newcomber, "It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly." I know where I'm going now, so I'll just take it step by step until I figure out how to get there.

4. Record the events of my life
It seems like this is one of those goals I make every year. The time passes so quickly and suddenly I find myself at another January 1 and I can't remember half of what has happened. So I'm going to start small and say I'm going to write at least 1 sentence every day of this year, documenting what happened.

There are many more I want to accomplish but I'll just start here. Hope you all had a great 2010. On to new beginnings and new adventures!