Friday, November 15, 2013

Hi, my name is Cori, and I am a Trypophobic.

I have always had this weird thing with holes. Every once in awhile something will catch my eye and give me the heebie jeebies, but at the same time I'm not able to stop looking at it. It's not any holes it seems; they have to be little and somewhat random. For instance, I have this little basket on my kitchen table with little decorative Styrofoam (maybe? I don't know what they are) balls in it. I bought it in a package and it originally came with Lotus Blossoms. Ya know (gulp) these things:

Ew! Ew! Ew! It makes my skin crawl and makes me itchy all over. My mom suggested I just hide them at the bottom of the basket, but just the thought that they were there was too much. I had to toss them.

I remember one year when we went to see the lights at Temple Square, we went in to the Assembly Hall to warm up and this caught my attention:

See those little, are they horns? I don't even know but they bugged me so bad. I have to make a conscious effort not to look in that direction every time I go back there. 

I was sure I had to be the only person with this weird thing. Talk about irrational fears. Today however, I learned that there's a name for it: Trypophobia. From what I've read, it's not an official phobia that can be diagnosed, like Hydrophobia or Arachnophobia, but a lot of people seem to have it. I wonder if there are support groups out there...

Oh, and I'm pretty sure I won't be looking at this post again.

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