So, I'm officially bordering obsession with this whole blogging about my boyfriend thing but it's fun and I'm kinda a little bit crazy about him (by kinda a little bit I mean a whole heck of a lot!). Plus, I miss him today so it's my way of... what's the word... getting it out of my system? Yeah, that works. First of all, new pictures! I love Mondays when I get to see new pictures. Most of them are bugs or creatures that look big enough to eat me, but that's okay... This one was pretty cool I thought. Can I just take a minute to tell you how freakin' amazing he is? Seriously, I'm so lucky. Like, "wow I never thought I would be this lucky" lucky. I looked at my facebook page today where it says his name next to the words "In a relationship with" and I couldn't help but be a little bit giddy. :) I really have found the man of my dreams. It's definitely one of those cliche phrases, but it's so true. There's not one thing I would change about him. He's smart, funny, talented, sympathetic, optimistic, ridiculously handsome, and the perfect compliment for me in every way. He takes such good care of me and treats me exactly how I want to be treated, and we don't even live on the same continent! I feel like the past couple years of my life have been a path to find him. Well, more like a path to be where we are now, because in all reality I did find him a couple years ago. I look at the series of events that have transpired, and it's all happened perfectly and led me to him. It's really kind of crazy to think about. I
know this is where I'm supposed to be. I have no doubts. It's not the typical definition of success for most people, but neither are we your typical definition of typical people.
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