Okay, I know this doesn't come as a surprise to most of you, but Ian and I are officially official. I know that's kind of weird to say since he still won't be home for a little while, but that's okay. For those of you who don't know, and just because I love telling it, I'm gonna tell you about us.

Ian and I met for the first time at a dance our junior year (we both knew who the other was before then but we hadn't been officially introduced until then), but we didn't really become good friends until our senior year. It was one of those "overnight" things where we went from hardly knowing each other to texting all day, hanging out as much as we could, etc. I attribute that to his outgoing personality and ability to make me feel comfortable in any situation. We continued to be great friends through the rest of high school, through the summer and we would see each other once or twice a month while I lived in St. George. We had tons of fun going out to eat, talking all night and, of course our favorite, SNOWBOARDING! During that time though, we were never more than friends. He was so fun to be around, funny, smart, handsome and all that great stuff, but I never really saw us being more than just really great friends.
He left on his mission in February of 2008. I wrote a couple letters a week and he did the same, and it was all just a "friend" thing until he got dear johned in June. After that, our letters started to take on a bit of a different tone. It was subtle at first, but intensified as time went on. I was convinced there was no way he felt the same way about me, and the hints he would drop in his letters to me were just him being nice. He thought it was just being on the rebound.

Things continued this way until the end of 2008. We both were liking each other more and more, but neither of us really said anything to each other about it. I was spending time here getting to know his family, sending him more Reese's Peanut butter cups (among other things) than any one person should consume in their entire life, and writing... a lot. He was kicking butt as a missionary in Cordoba, baptizing right and left, while still making time to write to me every once in awhile. Most people insisted we were together and it was hard for me to deny once they saw the shade of red my face would turn when anyone mentioned his name, but we never did more than drop hints about it.
After new year's, things really started to take off. I found myself telling him things that I never really planned on telling him at all, let alone while he was still on his mission. The part that completely surprised me though, was that I didn't care. Better yet, he was doing the same thing. We talked about the future, and our plans, and it became very clear to both of us that we had no intention of being without the other.
So, now we find ourselves here, where I've finally weaseled it out of him. We've made a habit out of asking each other questions whenever we talk, and so I asked him what we were. His reply was, of course, about how he was a homosapien and hoped that the same was true of me.... Funny, but hardly the answer I was looking for, and he knew it too. So I kept going:
"Seriously, what do you think of us as?" I asked him. He replied by informing me that he'd been meaning to ask me something, and was going to wait, but would ask me now if I wanted him to. Oh, and you'd better believe I wanted him to.
"Well, I was going to ask you, if I could have the honor in being your boyfriend," he told me, as my heart literally threatened to beat right out of me! And as you can tell by the story, as well as our relationship statuses on facebook (you know it's official when it's on facebook!) I said yes.

So you might read this and say, "BFD, he's not going to be home for a year, she'll probably be married in that time." First of all, if you're thinking that, don't say it to me. I'll punch you in the face. Secondly, I know this is not what you'd call typical but I don't care, because I am SO happy! Really, I didn't even know it was possible to be this happy. Ian is everything I've ever wanted in a guy. He's smart, he makes me laugh, we share the same interests, he is constantly encouraging me and giving me reason to believe in myself, and any of you that know him would agree, he's just an amazing person in every way. So this might be an interesting year for me, but it's worth it. I've found true happiness, and I'm not letting go.