A lot of people rag on the United States. I guess that's to be expected when you're the #1 country in the world and have been for centuries, people get a little jealous. I can't really say I'm bothered by the misconceived notions of people from other countries. Yes most of them are untrue and generally brought about by rumors, but really, who hasn't assumed the worst of someone or some place without first getting all the facts? The issue I have here, which is the topic of this post, is the lack of patriotism in our country. I can't count the number of times I've heard Americans bad-mouthing their homeland. It's sick. Of course America isn't but let's do a little comparison shall we?
The postal service in Argentina went on strike this last week. Before that it was the dairy farmers, before that the cow herders. Riots broke out on the streets over a raise in the price of a bus token. I'm not trying to say anything against Argentina, the comparison I want to make here is when was the last time The United States had a group of people go on strike. Yep, it was the writer's strike. Pales in comparison a little bit, does it not?
Let's take a trip across the Atlantic a little further to Africa. Very few people in Africa even have a solid roof over their head. They have no access to adequate medical care and millions die from diseases that are unheard of in the US. While we're tossing out pounds of leftovers that have gone bad in the fridge, they're wondering how their children are going to survive the week.
It's time to get rid of the negative attitudes and start expressing gratitude for the blessing it is to live in this country. If you have a problem with how things are here, take a look past your nose and see how bad things really could be for you. Which one do you really prefer? As for me, I am and always will be proud to be an American.
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