Monday, October 11, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
3 months
Wow, I can't believe I've been married for 1/4 of a year already! Time has gone by so fast! One thing we've been realizing lately is that we have such a FUN life! Of course, it's filled with the normal work and bills and not-so-fun adult stuff, but we really try to fill our weekends with fun things. This summer has been the best of my whole life. Here are just a few of the things we've done:
There was of course, our fabulous honeymoon in Vegas!
A family reunion with Ian's family up at Pineview reservoir. (My first time on a water weenie)

(That's all the pictures you get because, well, we didn't take any...)
Swiss days up in Midway for Mom's birthday.
A weekend in Pocatello/Blackfoot ID, for the fair. Another first: demolition derby. So. Much. Fun!
Mom and Dad giving us an AWESOME suite up at Snowbird for our birthdays and making us want to snowboard SO BAD!
So that's life in a nutshell for us. It really is so great to be married to my best friend, and to know that what we have will last forever. Every day he proves to me how amazing he is and what a great decision I made in marrying him. I can't wait to see what crazy adventures life brings us next!
Just a thought
I got off work early the other day, and rather than going home to my empty apartment for half an hour before I had to go pick Ian up from work, I decided to go spend a beautiful afternoon sitting in the park. With this spur of the moment decision in mind, I realized all I had with me to keep busy was my crochet hook and some yarn. So, I sat down on a bench in the shade and started to crochet. A few people kind of gave me some funny looks. (I imagine a twenty-something girl sitting by herself in the park crocheting would look rather odd.) Some just kind of smiled and went on their way. There was one lady who stopped however, and with a big smile on her face, asked what I was making. I told her it was a beanie, showed her a couple of the ones I had already finished, and she excitedly responded by telling me how beautiful she thought they were, and that the recipients would be very lucky. I smiled and thanked her, and she went on her way. I don't think it really even occurred to her how that simple compliment made me feel. To be appreciated by a complete stranger. I contemplated it even more that day, and wondered what would happen if we all tried a little bit harder to be kinder to strangers. Even if it's as simple as thanking someone for holding a door open for you. I think it could go a long way...
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