To do:
-Get invitations printed
-Address and send out invitations
-Get a marriage license
-Switch insurance
-Get Ian's ring
-Get Ian's suit
-Get my dressed cleaned and pressed
-Scan pictures for the wedding video
-Arrangements for dinner on wedding day
-Paint for our kitchen table
And those are just the ones I thought of this morning. Looks like it's going to be a busy month! Wish me luck!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I decided with the wedding only a few weeks away that it was time to redo the blog a little bit and make it "ours" instead of just "mine". (Although we all know that it'll be me posting 99.9% of the time, but he may surprise us) We got our engagements back and I love them! I really have the most talented in-laws! Here are a few of my favorites:

Fun huh? I like them. A lot in fact. Right now I'm just counting down the days and getting more and more stressed as it approaches, but that's normal right? We found an apartment in Orem that I love and things seem to be falling into place quite nicely. Once I'm married I'll have more exciting things to blog about like all my cool recipes when I cook dinner (Ok, when Ian cooks dinner...) and... well, ya know... married people stuff. 30 days friends! I can't wait!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
An update of sorts
Hi all! I'm actually not really sure if this gets read or if I'm writing for my own peace of mind, but it works either way, right? Right. Anyway, things are going really well. Like REALLY well! It's one of those times where I can't even think of one thing that's wrong. I finished my externship at North Valley Pediatrics in American Fork, and they offered me a job for the summer! It's only part-time, but hey, I'll take it! Ian also got... I guess you could call it a promotion. He's working on commission now and has the potential to make double what he made before. Um, wow! I couldn't be happier. Wedding plans are going well. It seems like I start to get close to being done planning and I turn around and I have more to do, but that's okay. I'm having fun planning for the best day of my life. We got my dress a few weeks ago. It was one of those "I put it on and knew it was the one" kind of moments, and I'm thrilled about it. I'll look amazing that day, even if I can't lift my arms above my head... :)
We've had a couple of fun weekends away over the past little while. Unfortunately, I'm a total loser and didn't take any pictures! The last weekend in April we headed out to Wendover, NV. I know, exciting right? We actually did have a lot of fun, and I introduced Ian to the exciting world of penny slots. Luck was definitely not our friend that night though, because what money we did win, went straight back into the slot machine... Ah well, I guess that is the point, right?
Kind of an older picture, but you get the idea
The first weekend in May, we headed down to sunny St. George for a baby blessing. We had a great weekend soaking up the sun and watching the Ironman race through the center of town. The participants started at 6 AM with a 2.4-mile swim in the brisk 54 degree waters of Sand Hollow Reservoir, immediately followed by a 112-mile bike ride through southern Utah, and is if that wasn't brutal enough, a marathon right after. I couldn't do it, that's for sure. It was moving to watch the determination of all those athletes. What a fun day!
Thank goodness for google image search, right? I pulled these off of
And just in case you're interested in seeing pictures of my cute little cousin who was blessed on Sunday, go here.
We took our engagements on Saturday. I have to admit, I wasn't too thrilled when I saw the raw, unedited frames at first, but my in-laws have worked their magic and they look great! I'll post some when they're all done.
Can I just tell you, the most exciting part about all of this is knowing that I get to be married to my best friend. I really couldn't ask for anything more in a fiance. We get in arguments all the time about who's better or who does more for whom but I think deep down he knows that he wins that contest. :) I would tell all you single ladies out there to go find a guy like Ian, but I'm pretty sure he's one of a kind. Sorry... You'll just have to settle for 2nd best. (Is that mean?) He just... gets me. It's kind of hard to explain. I feel like he's able to read my emotions and respond perfectly. There have been lots of times where I'll go to say something, and he'll finish my thought for me. That's just how great he is, and how lucky I am to be a part of his life.

I freaking love this guy!
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